Composizione: Collagene di origine suina, Acido citrico, Nicotinamide, Sodio cloruro, Acqua iniettabile.
Confezione da 10 flaconcini (2 ml ciascuno – volume estraibile).
Composizione: Collagene di origine suina, Acido citrico, Nicotinamide, Sodio cloruro, Acqua iniettabile.
Confezione da 10 flaconcini (2 ml ciascuno – volume estraibile).
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Nestorova R. et al. Efficiency of collagen injections of Guna MD in patients with gonarthrosis, assessed clinically and by ultrasounds. Physiological Regulating Medicine, 2012; 37-39.
Mariconti P. Usefulness of Guna Collagen Medical Devices in the treatment of knee pain. Physiological Regulating Medicine, 2017; 39-40.
Tivchev P. Efficacy of collagen injections Guna MD-HIP and Guna MD-MATRIX in treatment of coxarthrosis – Clinical and ultrasonographic examination. Ortopediya i Travmatologiya (Bulgarian Journal of Orthopedics and Trauma), 2012/3, vol. 49; 123-128.
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